Operation Prairie Venture (OPV) started as a grass-roots led effort to address community concerns after the sudden closure of the Slayton Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center in Slayton, Minnesota in May 2019. As an initial response, a group of citizens, led by Slayton Attorney Lynn Johnson, held a listening session with state experts. The key takeaway from this meeting was that collaboration would be key to finding solutions to the community’s concerns.
Between August and December 2019, support and momentum began to build. Several concerned citizens and local groups reached out to Lynn Johnson to discuss ways to move forward, locally, with housing and service options for the community’s older adults.
In December, the Wheel Herald published an article following a stakeholder meeting organized by Lynn Johnson to discuss concerns and ways to move forward.
In February, the Wheel Herald published an article announcing the approval by the Slayton City Council to help fund strategic planning efforts.